I General Provisions

1. Pursuant to Article 8(1) of the Electronic Services Provision Act of 18 July 2002, Piotr Jankiewicz MAXIMIZING COMMUNICATION, with registered office in Warsaw, ul. Filtrowa 69/8, 02-055 Warsaw, NIP (tax ID no.): 6782664704, REGON (statistical no.): 356345973, phone no.: (+44) 7305999534 e-mail: , website:, hereby establishes these Rules for the provision of electronic services and undertakes to apply them.

2. These Rules outline the types and scope of Electronic Services provided; terms and conditions of their provision, including technical requirements; bans on the provision of illegal content; terms and conditions of concluding and terminating Agreements for the Provision of Electronic Services; terms and conditions of sending marketing and trade information, and the procedure of settling claims.

3. Users planning to avail themselves of Services offered on the Website are required to read these Rules before starting to use the Services and abide by them throughout the term of using said Services.

4. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any violation of these Rules on the part of Users using the Website.

II Definitions
1. The terms used in these Rules shall be construed as follows:

Blog – blog hosted at the following address:

Coaching Session Order Form – Electronic Service provided by the Service Provider, which enables the User to arrange a coaching session via a form available on the Website.

Contact Form – Electronic Service provided by the Service Provider, which enables the User to send an electronic message to the Service Provider via a form available on the Website.

Consumer – natural person entering into a legal transaction with the Service Provider (entrepreneur), which is not directly connected with their business or professional activity.

Newsletter – electronic news bulletin sent to Users by the Service Provider free of charge, as means of maintaining ongoing communication with Users subscribed to the mailing list.

File Downloads – Service that involves Users downloading files or other data from the Website

Telecommunications Law – Act of 16 July 2004 – Telecommunications Law.

Rules – Rules for the provision of electronic services by Piotr Jankiewicz MAXIMIZING COMMUNICATION via the Website.

GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Website – website published online by Piotr Jankiewicz MAXIMIZING COMMUNICATION, hosted at: Session – Paid Service provided by the Service Provider pursuant to the User’s individual order, in line with the Terms and Conditions, via electronic communication means, such as telephone, Skype,, Teams.

ICT System – system of interconnected IT equipment and software, which enables the processing and storage as well as sending and receiving of data via ICT networks using terminal equipment dedicated to the given network type, within the meaning of the Telecommunications Law.

Electronic Service Provision – service provision in the form of sending and receiving data via ICT systems, upon the User’s individual request, without the parties being present at the same time, with data being transmitted via public networks within the meaning of the Telecommunications Law.

Agreement – agreement for the provision of any Electronic Services concluded by and between the Service Provider and the User.

Service – electronic service(s) provided by Piotr Jankiewicz MAXIMIZING COMMUNICATION, described in part III of these Rules.

Service Provider – Piotr Jankiewicz, doing business as: Piotr Jankiewicz MAXIMIZING COMMUNICATION, with registered office in Warsaw, ul. Filtrowa 69/8, 02-055 Warszawa, NIP (tax ID no.): 6782664704, REGON (statistical no.): 356345973.

Act – Electronic Services Provision Act of 18 July 2002.

User – any entity using services offered by the Service Provider, be it a natural person, a legal person, or an unincorporated entity (entity without legal personality), that undertakes to abide by these Rules. Any entity ordering the provision of certain Electronic Services in line with these Rules shall also be deemed a User.

III Types and scope of Electronic Services

1.  The Service Provider provides the following Electronic Services free of charge:

1.1. Newsletter,
1.2. Contact Form,
1.3. Blog,
1.4. Coaching Session Order Form,
1.5. File Downloads.

2.  The Service Provider provides the following Electronic Services against compensation:

2.1. Coaching Session.

IV Technical requirements

1. The following are required for the correct use of Services by the User:

1.1. computer (e.g. PC, Mac) or other mobile equipment with access to the Internet,
1.2. e-mail address,
1.3. search engine – Internet Explorer 7.0 (or newer), Mozilla Firefox 3.6 (or newer), Opera or Google Chrome – that supports cookies, JavaScript and Adobe Flash Player (for certain types of content).

2. The Website User undertakes:

2.1. to use the Website and Services in line with these Rules and not to publish on the Website any content that is against the law or contrary to the rules of social coexistence, that infringes upon the rights or personal rights of third parties, including not to send such content via forms available on the Website,
2.2. to provide true, full and accurate personal data,
2.3 to use legal software, including a regularly updated antivirus programme.

V Privacy Policy

1. Who is the Controller of personal user data?

The Controller of personal user data, i.e. the entity that decides on the purposes and means of using your personal data, is Piotr Jankiewicz who does business as: Piotr Jankiewicz MAXIMIZING COMMUNICATION, with registered office in Warsaw, ul. Filtrowa 69/8, 02-055 Warsaw, NIP (tax ID no.): 6782664704, REGON (statistical no.): 356345973 (hereinafter referred to as “Controller”).

2. How can Users contact the Data Controller?

Users can contact the Data Controller in all matters regarding the Controller’s use of personal user data:

• by sending an e-mail to the following address: ….
• by calling the following phone number: …
• by sending a message through the contact form on the website:
• or by regular mail, sent to the following address: Piotr Jankiewicz MAXIMIZING COMMUNICATION, ul. Filtrowa 69/8, 02-055 Warsaw, Poland.

3. What sources are used to obtain User data?

The Data Controller mostly uses data directly provided by Users when they contact us using the website (including the contact form), social media fanpages on sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn, communicators (Skype, Teams), or by means of e-mail, regular mail, or by phone. The Data Controller may also use your data disclosed in widely available public registers to prepare a service agreement.

4. What personal user data does the Controler process?
Valuing user privacy, the Controller limits usage of personal user data to the minimum required for proper communication and provision of the highest possible level of services. Such data includes:

a) the User’s name and surname, if they choose to disclose them,
b) the address provided by the User for the agreement, if they choose to use the Controller’s services based on a separate agreement,
c) the User’s identification numbers required to conclude the agreement if they choose to use the Controller’s services based on a separate agreement,
d) data concerning financial liabilities under the agreement concluded by and between the User and the Controller,
e) the User’s phone/fax number, if they choose to disclose them to facilitate communication,
f) the User’s e-mail address, if they choose to provide it,
g) the personal data disclosed by the User in their correspondence, for example, information on the coaching sessions in which the User is interested,
h) the IP address of the User’s device used to visit the website,
i) analytical data regarding the User’s activity on the website.

5. What is the purpose, legal basis, and duration of processing the User’s personal data by the Controller?

The Controller makes use of the User’s personal data in accordance with GDPR and other binding provisions of the personal data protection law.

The purpose and scope of processing the User’s personal data depends on the activities undertaken by the User in their contacts with the Controller and the legal basis for the processing of such personal data – conclusion and implementation of the agreement, actions taken at the User’s request to conclude the agreement, the User’s consent to the processing of their personal data, a legal provision that obliges the Controller to process the User’s data, or a legitimate legal interest of the Controller.

More detailed provisions on personal data protection are outlined in the Privacy Policy, enclosed as Appendix 1 to these Rules

VI Cookies Policy

1. The Service Provider uses cookies on the Website to collect data in order to improve user experience, ensure security, customise content to the User’s needs and interests, provide social media features, analyse traffic, and for statistical purposes

2. The Service Provider processes personal user data obtained through cookies on the basis of the User’s voluntary consent.

3. Users may withdraw their consent to cookies at any time without stating the grounds by changing their web browser settings.

4. Blocking cookies in web browser settings does not prevent Users from availing themselves of our Services, but may considerably limit them, e.g. prevent Users from being able to book a coaching session on the Website.

5. Detailed provisions on the scope of the Service Provider’s use of cookies on the Website are described in the Cookies Policy enclosed as Appendix 2 to these Rules.

VII Copyright

1. All content of the Website, including trademarks, logotypes, texts, images and any other graphic works available on the website are copyright protected and may not be amended or supplemented without the written consent of the Website’s owner. The content of the Website may not be copied, disseminated or published in breach of the Copyright and Related Rights Act od 4 February 1994.

VIII Concluding and terminating the agreement

1. The agreement for the provision of Electronic Services, referred to in part III(1) of these Rules, is concluded by and between the Service Provider and the User each time the User enters the Website.

2. The agreement for the provision of Electronic Services, referred to in part III(1) of these Rules, is terminated once the User leaves the Website. Terminating the agreement does not require any additional declarations on the part of the User or Service Provider.

3. The agreement for the provision of Electronic Services, referred to in part III(2) of these Rules, is concluded by and between the Service Provider and the User in line with the procedure regulated in the Terms and Conditions, enclosed as Appendix 3 to these Rules.

4. A User who is a Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement referred to in part VIII(3) above within 14 days following the conclusion of an agreement using a means of distance communication, in line with the Terms and Conditions enclosed as Appendix 3 to these Rules, by sending their declaration of withdrawal from the distance agreement to the Service Provider. The template declaration of withdrawal from the distance agreement is enclosed as Appendix 4 to these Rules.

5. A User who is a Consumer and – while ordering Services referred to in part III(2) of these Rules – submits a declaration by marking the following field:
“I consent to the provision of the full coaching service prior to the lapse of the withdrawal period and I declare to have been informed about losing my right to withdraw from the agreement in line with the Rules and Terms and Conditions of the website” will lose their right to withdraw from the agreement within 14 days from its conclusion using a means of distance communication, in line with Article 38(1) of the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014.

6. Marketing, promotional or trade information is deemed ordered if the User expressed their consent to receiving such information via the relevant channel of communication by marking the relevant check box on the Service Provider’s Website or by making the Service Provider’s data available, which shall be construed as the User’s conclusive declaration of will in terms of granting their consent.

7. The User may cancel the option of receiving offers at any time, through the Website, by e-mail or by phone.

IX Claims

1. Users have the right to file claims with respect to Services and the Agreement.

2. Claims may be filed within 30 days from the day when the service was – or was to be – provided.

3. Claims may be made:

a) in writing, delivered in person to the Service Provider’s registered office,
b) in writing, sent to the Service Provider’s registered address,
c) orally, by phone,
d) orally, to be written down in the minutes during the User’s visit to the Service Provider’s registered office,
e) in electronic form, in an e-mail sent to the following address:

4. A correctly filed claim should include:

a) a designation of the User (full name, e-mail address, postal address, phone number),
b) a description of the object of the claim,
c) the User’s request concerning the mode of settling the claim by the Service Provider,
d) the preferred manner of obtaining a response to the claim – channel of communication,
e) the User’s signature – in the event of filing a claim in writing or orally to be written down in the minutes.

5. Claims that prevent the Service Provider from identifying the User will be dismissed.

6. Claims that prevent the full identification of either the User or the object of the claim will be examined by the Service Provider within 14 days after the User rectifies all formal defects upon the Service Provider’s request.

7. The Service Provider will request the User to remove formal defects in the content of their claim within 7 days from its receipt.

8. The Service Provider shall handle the claim within 14 days from its receipt from the User. In his decision, the Service Provider will provide the User with a specific answer on whether he accepts or rejects the claim.

9. If the Service Provider accepts the claim, the User will be provided with a proposed manner and procedure of settling it by the Service Provider.

10. If the Service Provider rejects the claim, the User will be provided with a justification.

11. The Service Provider will inform the User about his decision concerning the claim:

a) in writing, in a letter sent to the User’s address indicated in the claim, subject to the fact that the form binding on the Service Provider is that indicated by the User in line with part IX(3d) above.
b) in electronic form, in an e-mail sent to the User’s address indicated in the claim, subject to the fact that the form binding on the Service Provider is that indicated by the User in line with part IX(4d) above.

12. The fact of submitting a claim does not release the User from his obligation to discharge their obligations towards the Service Provider in a timely manner.

X Final provisions

1. Any matters not regulated herein will be governed by Polish law, in particular the Civil Code.

2. The competent court to settle claims arising out of these Rules is the common court with jurisdiction over the Service Provider’s registered office, save for situations when the User is also a Consumer.

3. The Service Provider may amend these Rules for the following important reasons:

a) change of the legal environment – amendments to mandatory regulations or introduction of new ones,
b) issuing an administrative decision, sentence or recommendation by an authorised state body, in the scope binding on the Service Provider with respect to the Services he provides,
c) changes in the Services provided by the Service Provider in the scope of extending or narrowing the Services provided on the Website.

4. The Service Provider will inform the User about proposed changes to these Rules, indicating them and providing the full text of the new Rules:

a) by publishing them on the Website no later than 14 days before the proposed entry into force of changes to these Rules,
b) in an e-mail sent no later than 14 days before the proposed entry into force of changes to these Rules, to the e-mail address provided by the User who concluded the agreement referred to in part VIII(3) of these Rules with the Service Provider.

5. In response to the proposed changes in the Rules, the User may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect by sending his declaration to the Service Provider’s postal or e-mail address.

6. In the event the User does not terminate the Agreement before the entry into force of the amended Rules indicated by the Service Provider, the User will be bound by the amended Rules.

7. These Rules are effective as of: 01.07.2020